Sunday, May 16, 2010

Such a Smooth Ride, You Don't Even Notice the Bumps

Props to my mom and my sis Elaina for planning my long getaway to Elaina's house on the beach. I'm enjoying my time and strengthening my sense of independance, which escapes me sometimes when I'm staying with my mother. It's Momma, it's hard not to depend on her when she's so giving and caring. The weather's great, the view is great and the mood is great. Maybe I'm just having a good morning, pre-daily battles, but I feel pumped and ready to have a good one. Despite some bumps stressing out about supplies, and consequently, affecting my ambitition, I've calmed down into a state of mind where I don't even notice the road, I just see the destination. OmniPod is where I'm goin,' and I'm gettin' there.
I'm having more trouble with low bloodsugars right now because I am too impatient to fix my highs the right way. My goal for today is to utilize the sliding scale I found online and see if it gets any better. This atmosphere at Elaina's place is like trading up to a more efficient vehicle in which I can ride out these bumps to make for a smoother ride. My morning b.s. was a 132 (good for me, good for you?) , and I'm anticipating decent numbers for the rest of the day. If not, I'll just continue to chill and ride smooth. Stress relief improves upon compliance to life's disciplnes; in other words, the beach rocks! Life is Good.

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